Sunday 2 July 2017

Being an entrepreneur - 3

Hello everyone!

I'm back with our next post in the blog series of Being an Entrepreneur. Hope you had gone through the previous posts. Having seen the challenges faced by an entrepreneur starting from the birth of an entrepreneur and then sustaining through the journey in our earlier posts, I'll now emphasize on the qualities that are required to be imbibed in an entrepreneur to get one going into establishing a distinguished position for himself.

By now, we all have come to know that the essential quality that forms the core DNA of an entrepreneur is 'Passion'. So let us understand and analyze passion in depth. Passion is a strong compelling feeling usually related to love or anger and hence can be both constructive and destructive. For example, a doctor is passionate for constructing the society while on the other hand, a terrorist is also passionate and works for destructing the society. So, it is the purpose that adds meaning to passion. Hence, it is important for one to understand the aspects of passion that would be helpful in daily life, both in our personal and professional lives.

As an entrepreneur, you should first have this clear cut constructive purpose, the change you wish to see with your establishment of business. For instance, my purpose of setting up PKC Laundries is to tap the huge potential of the laundry industry by providing best in class door-step on demand laundry solutions and to generate employment. Once the purpose is set, passion is what that drives you to achieve the purpose. 

So the question pops up now, as to how passionate should one be, to really achieve the purpose. The following are the anchors which wholly together make a passionate person.

1. Setting high standards - Pushing yourself  will keep you abreast and ahead of the competition as you will always be striving to provide the best of the services to your customers. Setting high standards moulds trendsetters who break the conventions with their high standards. Also, it keeps you focussed on your purpose all through the journey of startup without deviating or getting disturbed by the external sources or competition. Setting high standards for yourself and aligning your team towards it has to be learnt first. Your team has to be first treated basically as fellow human beings instead of slaves. Only when this is done, you and your team can assimilate the high standards and work together towards achieving your goal. Remember that the productivity of an effective team is much more greater than the sum of the individual productivity of each member of the team.

2. Giving cent percent - Giving all you can, not leaving an iota of effort that you can possibly put in. Whatever you undertake, from the smallest task to the crucial decision you take in your business, giving hundred percent of your interest and effort  helps in establishing strong roots to your business that will not be wavered by any competition or threat that comes your way. An entrepreneur should be flexible and grounded enough to get into the shoes of any role that is required for the business. You are required to actually play many roles to understand everyone's roles, responsibilities and how that would effect the various aspects of business. Though you are the head of the startup, it should not keep you from taking up any job when needed. After all, it is your dream and that you have to strive hard to witness your dream come true!

3. Never say die attitude - Motivating and stretching yourself all through the journey into the startup inspite of hiccups is an indispensable quality of an entrepreneur. You are bound to face innumerable criticisms, you will fall down many times in your attempt to move forward. But what matters is standing up in the face of adversity inspite of falling down a hundred times. Never give up until the entire universe gives-in to your purpose. As Adolf Hitler had once quoted  that one who wins without problems, it is just a 'Victory', but one who wins with lot of troubles, that is 'History'! 

Remember that attaining success is not a destination but rather a journey wherein small achievements each day will add up to achieve your purpose. To live through each day and smiling in the face of adversity to win the respect of people; to earn the appreciations; to endure the critics; to find the best in your employees; to leave the world a bit better; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have existed. This is attaining success!

After being in this start-up world for more than a year now, having faced challenges each day  with a piece of advice to all the budding entrepreneurs.

1. Believe in yourself and be passionate about your startup, about your dream. Do not run after money and put your dream into some other hands. Be the rider of your dream and stop not until it's destination is reached. The satisfaction you get by living your dream is just inexplicable and priceless!

2. Take bold decisions. Listen to the world for suggestions and advice. But you alone should be the decision maker. Either it will turn out in your favour or it will be a lesson learnt hard. Understand that there is nothing called 'Right decision' rather the decisions taken are made right. Even if it costs you heavily now, it will prepare you for further challenges in your journey. Be grateful that it is your decision and never ever blame others for your decisions.

3. And an earnest request to all the parents - Stop rubbing your aims on your children from the day they are born. A change should actually start from within ourselves. Kids are the wonderful creatures of the mother earth who are pure and are always bubbling with ideas. Aren't there any other avenues for a tenth pass-out rather than just entering the rat race of becoming a doctor or an engineer?Why are we as parents, limiting the ideas and opportunities of children? There is much more meaning to life, than just becoming an engineer or a doctor. Guide the younger generation on the limitless opportunities kindling the world. Give your child the freedom to evaluate, understand and pursue his passion. Give him the freedom to choose and explore the road not taken. Your child's dream is half won just by gaining your confidence in their idea. Do not get blind-folded by what the society utters. Trust your child and let him own and drive his first startup called 'life'.

4. Teach values to the younger generation. Those values are enough to ensure that your child walks along the right path. We should all envisage in building a society where-in our neighbours' curiosity should be regarding the number of people we are providing livelihood to, rather than the salary that we earn. 

Recently I got stumbled upon an experience of one of my friend who had once lived in France. He happened to witness two cats sitting on an opposite wall alongside the road. The cats were looking to enter the house on the other side of the road for which they have to cross the road. What happened next is literally marvelous. The cats together have walked a distance of 500 metres towards their right, used the zebra crossing to cross the road and then walked again left towards the house. When speechless animals can themselves understand, and are willing to change and adapt to change, why can't we, the superior beings of this planet are adamant to change and cannot embrace change for the betterment of the society?  When we all are determined to change as a society, then nothing can come in our way in becoming a super power of the world.

Finally my dear friend, stand up for your dream and there's no looking back - 'Do what your heart says!'