Saturday 2 September 2017

Darkest side of our festivals.

Ganesh Chaturthi is a century old tradition, early instances trace back to times of Chatrapati Shivaji. He initiated celebrations to promote culture and nationalism. The ritual was continued during the rule of Peshwas, for whom Lord Ganesh was a family deity.
When did this private house hold event turned to be a Gala event?
It was in 1857 when a great rebellion broke in the country against colonial rule, Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak a prominent leader of the rebellion saw the need to unite people when public, social, political gatherings were banned by the British. Soon he revived the festival with patriotic spirit amid tyranny of British rule. He was the first to put large hoardings of Ganesha in pavilions and establish the tradition of their immersion on the tenth day. This greatly served the noble cause of bringing people together against the English rule. Even after the independence people never left the ritual.  
For then we might be out of British rule but we are still in the clutches of Human ignorance. Ganesh Utsav over the years have become a harsh burden to environment. Now it is only being celebrated for fun, entertainment, political branding. Depressing fact here is these Utsavs are organized by teenagers and youth who are very well educated but none cares about unruly effects they are causing. But are they really at fault? I would like to give them benefit of doubt, it’s because when a teenager wants to go to a friend for sleepover to complete a project work parents become intolerant for they don’t know what kids are up to. But if same kid asks to stay back at Ganesh all night probably no parent would restrict for its such a divine deed and whole family gets Lord’s blessings. Truth here is much disturbing, in many pandals, they drink alcohol, they smoke, they dance to most cheesy songs from movies. Well it’s not just affecting them but people around them too. Most trouble causing day is the day they would take deity to Nimarjanam procession. The day is a nightmare to people living around. Process starts in the evening when every house hold person wants to get relaxed. The rigorous sound made by drums is no soothing to any babies or elderly persons. This goes for whole night while everyone misses their dearly sleep. Technology is growing so is the human greed and ignorance. Every year environmentalists forewarn us about after consequences we are about to face, WE IGNORE. No matter how many active campaigns are held with slogan ‘Go Green’, WE IGNORE. Long gone are clay Ganesh deities, our love for plaster of paris never dies. WE IGNORE the damage it causes to environment. WE IGNORE the chaos it causes in the traffic. This being rainy season city is a hell to a regular rider on roads. It will take eternity to reach their destination. We blame government for every inconvenience caused IGNORING the fact that it is we who created havoc in harmony our lives. We are spending fortune for these celebrations but how many of us are paying taxes intact. Let alone those taxes, are we playing dumb at rationalising priorities of our lives.

Change has to start from an individual to address a community. Change is every individual’s responsibility. Instead of spending heap of amount on momentary hazardous colossal entities for celebrations a community could spend it in many productive ways. Unless we realise this soon we will be doomed with our IGNORANCE. 
After all festival should be an occasion every one should rejoice and celebrate happily but not a disturbing moment. God lies in every good deed you do, I wish everyone realises it.