Friday 20 October 2017

Going on a 'Trip' - #Drugmania

Hello friends!

Today I'm going to take you through an altogether different wave compared to our previous posts. This is about the string that has stung on many which has got the undue limelight in the recent past. Yes, it's about drugs - or rather I would talk about why people in general are influenced by drugs.

Ask the young generation today as to what is their plan for the weekend or observe what would they do after a rough day at work and how would they relieve their stress or maybe even after a break-up. You would be understanding that most of them are chilling in their own way which might be 'smoking up', 'boozing down', 'weeding out' and so on. So this has been the 'in-thing' of the town for the younger generation to chill out.

But what has lead to this mindset of the current generation?

The thought process or may be even the mistakes committed by the children, all depends on the upbringing of the parents and the values imbibed by them in their off-spring. The parents these days are rubbing their aspirations onto their children blindly without even considering their interests. Recently I was shocked to see a parent who has celebrated his daughter's first birthday with the words 'Happy birthday Doctor' written on the cake. So the career and her profession are already decided at the time of the birth and the child is forcefully inclined to become a doctor in her development phase from a child to an adult, to that point that the toys she plays are all pertaining to the profession doctor. The child is never given a scope to indulge or rather even think of her interests. Going ahead, imagine the amount of the pressure the child would be into to become a doctor considering that there are thousands of eyes waiting to actually see that happen which has been proclaimed by their parents from her tender age. When she finally cannot become a doctor, she would be receiving brick-bats and rantings from the entire society let-alone by her own parents. This would eventually lead the child into depression and would get under the influence of drugs in some way or the other to cope up with the pressure. I've taken a one of a situation to drive this point home, which I'm sure each one of you might be witnessing in your daily lives at varying degrees and varying scales.

My appeal to the parents is to spend quality time with your children each day. Even in the busy lives it is particularly required by the parents to take time for their their children, talking out on what's going on in their lives. This disconnect between parents and children is on a rise which is leading to the children getting addicted to other things like games, gadgets, social networks and have become slaves of the internet. The parents should take time in letting their kids understand the right from the wrong and the good from the bad. For instance, prohibiting your children to smoke or booze, changing the channel during an intimate scene on TV would actually pique interest in them and out of curiosity they end up indulging in the prohibited things. However if the same thing is explained patiently by the parents evaluating the pros and cons of indulging in a particular thing, the understanding of the child and the outcome would be much different in a matured manner.

Next comes the second parents of children. Yes, you have guessed it right, it's the teachers who play a crucial role in moulding the understanding of the child. Instead of always concentrating on the academics and grades, teachers should take the time and responsibility to imbibe moral values and ethics in the children in their day to day life. Guiding the child in choosing the correct path for them from childhood will actually groom them for their life ahead in future to make the choices that are right for them without getting influence by their peers.

Finally it is upon us, each one of us. We have to make our own choices as an adult. We all are well educated and have a clarity of what is detrimental to us. Let us not play with our lives. As most of us are aware that the venom of snake in small quantities is used in the medical field as a medicine to treat deadly diseases. But isn't the snake venom poisonous and deadly by itself?  Also, many existing and proven researches say that Marijuana is good for sound health only if taken in suggested and proper proportions. Similarly is the case with drugs and alcohol. If you are curious and cannot resist from consuming these things, then try it and enjoy it. But do it within your limits. Getting to know your own limits and enjoying within your limits is important. Do not compete with your peers as each one of us are different and have different capacities. This is not something that should be compared and competed. 

Having a break-up, not getting the desired grades, failing an exam or typically having a bad day does not give you a pass to overdose yourself with drugs and alcohol. Remember that your life is a precious. With just failing an exam or having a break-up, your close ones for whom you are important should not be at loss. Do not get bogged down by small things. Life is much more than a break-up or an exam. Be bold and act right!

The only suggestion I would give to youth is be able to explain your aspirations and whims to your parents. If you could not convince your parents who were with you all these years, who nurtured you all through , who were with you all along, then you would never be able to earn anyone's belief with your decisions. Do not blame them without explaining what you are up to in your life. Weigh between decisions you make before you put them in action. Play well play safe!