Friday 19 January 2018

Is it that only a girl who has to sacrifice in a marriage?

I had recently watched a wonderful telugu movie Fidaa that revolved around the premise - "Why should only girls have to sacrifice in a marriage?" That question has actually triggered few thoughts which I'm going to share it with you here.

The premise has actually portrayed that boys are not at all at the taking end which I would like to negate with. However strained the relationship might be with her parents and siblings prior to marriage, the love, care, respect and affection of the family members multiplies on the girl after she leaves her home after marriage. This scenario actually works oppositely for boys. Post marriage, wife becomes the priority of the man and would strain the relationship of the boy with his family members to that extent that many a times the boy gets separated from his parents because of clashes and ends up not talking to his parents and siblings for the rest of his life. So the point I want to reiterate here is that boys are at par with the girls in terms of sacrificing or in most cases more than what is actually done by girls.

Also, once the girl leaves her home, the boy would not have any trace of her unless she tells it to him. Whereas boys are not at that liberty. During the course of her stay at the in-laws she, at some point or the other, gets hold onto the memories of the guy be it any letter to his crush, a photograph, a gift or it's likes. This in some cases would leave the guy in explaining things which he would not be willing to discuss and might further cast doubts and lead to the change in attitude of the girl towards the guy and eventually end up in clashes.

These were my immediate thoughts after watching the movie which I wanted to share it with you all. It is the way of life and it is not always the girl who takes the brunt, the guy too bears the burden equally or even more eventually going forward in life.