Wednesday 16 October 2019

PK Enterprises- Laundry Planning Consultant

PK Enterprises- Laundry Planning Consultant

PK Enterprises is one of the most sort out laundry consultant’s based out of Hyderabad. It was started by myself Mr.Premanth Kundurthi(PK)  I own a laundry and Dry-Cleaning company- PKC Laundries. I’ve faced a lot of hurdles from the time we started our laundry. I’ve started PK Enterprises to make sure that my fellow members and laundries do not face the same situation. 
The various types of services that can be availed through PK Enterprises are as follows:

laundry planning Consultant in india

2.Plant Layout
3.Equipment planning
4.Electrical planning
6.Chemicals planning
7.Manpower planning
9. Business Planning
10. Insights on the laundry industry

1. Land

Once the person has enough insight on the industry then the next important step is to find out a suitable land on where to start the plant/factory. The place of processing is very important in three ways. There are three important points to be noted while choosing a place for setting up a laundry

Water should be adequate as it is the heart of a laundry setup, the water in the location should be of a low ppm and there should be adequate water even during the summer season
The overall logistics should be less from the selected location
The land (factory) should be compliant with the laws of the government (if it is in the city limits then there might be chances that the government will not give full permission to run the show).

2. Plant Layout

Once the location of the plant is finalized next comes the plant layout. In the layout we will have a draft of the actual setup. Where will the machines be placed, which machine comes first, how much space should be left for hand wash etc.
Laundry consultant

3. Equipment Planning

In this stage we will plan on which equipment to purchase, which brand, capacity of the machinery and other factors. As equipment plays a major role and it takes the bulk of the investment in the laundry setup one should be very much careful while planning for the equipment.
One should be very careful to check if the after service part is as good as the sales part. Because once the machinery is purchased it should run for a good 6-7 years for this to happen the service part should be sorted out.

4. Electrical Planning

Electrical planning is one of the important parts of a laundry setup. First we should know how much input power we actually need and then take a 10-20% percent more on the actuals. 
This helps us in shielding from paying the ACD (Additional Consumption Deposit) charges year over year. As the laundry is a mechanized one electrical planning should be done without any errors.

5. Plumbing

Plumbing is also one of the important divisions in a laundry plant. Pipes through which water is passed to the machines should be aligned properly and they should be leak proof. 
If there is a single leak then the whole plant will be damp and the work will be halted. Plumbing should be done very precisely and at the same time neat and crisp. It should be done in a haphazard way.
In my experience I’ve seen that many laundry owners have spent a lot on plumbing work but on the other hand if they were careful from the start then the money spent by them would have been much lesser
6. Chemicals Planning
Right chemicals add up to the quality of the service. So choosing chemicals is also one of the finer points. The important point is with less investment on chemicals we can bring more quality but at the same time if we do not have enough knowledge on chemicals we can lose more money and on top of that the quality can also be degraded. 
Also chemicals will be suggested depending on the type of client we provide our service. Clients require a specific type of chemicals to be used, depending on the pricing and other things we will specify the brand of chemicals to be used
Chemicals for laundry

7. Manpower Planning

Manpower planning is one of the toughest and challenging tasks in a laundry industry. Without manpower nothing can be achieved in this industry. The person who is running the show should have that knack of maintaining people. 
As 90% of the people working here will be blue collar workers, it is very important to maintain and make them work. If this segment is cracked then laundry business will be one of the best. Hence manpower planning should be strategized very smartly and no errors should creep in.

8. Pricing

Pricing is the make or break of any industry. Prices should be competitive and at the same time workable for us. We should not go very less or very high, and this point should be very thoroughly thought off.  We should not give anything for free or at a discounted price. 
Through our quality, service and customer interaction, we should make the customer understand why we charge a certain price. It is our responsibility to help the customer know the worth of the Product or Service we are giving them. 
9. Business Planning
In business planning one should know from where to get the business and whom to tap to get the business. There is a lot of business out there but we should carefully choose among all the available options.
 We should carefully choose our target market and work according to that. Our plan should be focused and we should not deviate. Also sometimes we should be flexible so that we can venture into territories that are unknown to us.

Insights on laundry industry

A person before starting a laundry company should know what all happens in the laundry industry. We at PK Enterprises share you our experiences and insights on how we visualize this industry 5-10 years down the lane. 
This step is very much necessary because the person who is trying to get into this industry will know how the laundry actually works. Without this, if a person starts a laundry setup then there are 99% chances that he/she has a high probability of facing uphill tasks to run their laundry setups
PK Enterprises is their first choice and we are always ready to understand their requirements and provide what they want.Hence at PK Enterprises we will help a person to get fixed to a particular vertical to which he wants to provide his services and make him/her stronger in that particular vertical
We have a thorough knowledge of all the various segments in a laundry industry and through our experience, we can guide a person to successfully start and run a laundry plant.