Sunday 10 May 2020

Why is manpower the most important category in a Laundry/Dry-cleaning company?

Indian Laundry industry is worth of Rs.2.2L crore. Out of which 95% is unorganized which implies that only 5% is organized. Approximately 2 Lakh people are employed in this organized business and there is still a lot of dearth for skilled man power.
The importance-
Though the Indian economy is fast evolving and people having high disposable income, laundry industry in India still needs time to reach its full potential.

There are many technological advancements in this industry. From machines –software-skilled manpower. Today the industry has changed a lot when compared to a decade ago.
Though there are many automized machines, still skilled manpower is very much necessary. The following operations in the laundry industry compulsorily requires skilled man power in spite of the technological advancements.
  • Stain removal Process
  • Ironing Process
  • Pickup and Delivery Process
  • Customer Relationship Management
The chemicals are automatically dosed into the machines using dosing machines. But still manpower is required to operate the machines. Skilled manpower is important to cut down on the wastages and increase the bottom line.
Dependency on Manpower-
Laundry industry is still highly dependent on man power because the price which the customer is paying the service providers is still on the lower side. 
A Laundry and Dry-Cleaning (LDC) service provider can use world class machinery, chemicals to get the best output. At the same time the customer should be willing to pay the price for the effort put in by the service providers. 
Let it be in Commercial or Retail, the situation is the same. 
In certain pockets of India, LDC service providers have been successful in getting manpower. However, they need to go and search for them from a different city, pay them good wages and also provide them accommodation
Skilled manpower is the major issue in India. There are formal education centers and institutes in the U.S and other countries. We need to have such institutes here. Even if we have trained programs, employees will go and take training from there and the service providers will only benefit from it.
The skill development authorities are being approached. This will enable certification skills. By tying up with international institutes certification programs can be brought into India. Besides personal growth, the importance of this profession will increase.
This sector is going to be a biggest churning sector for employment and it is the 6th Largest GDP Contributor
As we all understand that hygiene is very important in this business, from big hotels to hospitals to retail (domestic laundry), everybody needs quality and efficient service.
A separate course should be charted out for laundry where manpower will be trained and they can be directly recruited into the companies. As chefs, hotel management people have different courses, laundry should also have a different course.
There are many opportunities for people in this sector if there are proper training channels and programs
The industry is trying to solve the challenge of empowering and rewarding manpower with a fair wage
After all, they do the weight lifting and hard work. Until they’re not paid more than what they can earn on their own, there’ll be a shortage of skilled manpower. Most players underestimate the cost of retaining and hiring a trained workforce.

Therefore this manpower intense industry needs a tweak as the manpower is the heart of LDC industry!
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PK Enterprises.


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