Monday 5 October 2020

All the information you need to know about LRS

 Recently LRS has been unveiled by the government of Telangana.

What is LRS?

The abbreviation for LRS is Layout Regularization Scheme

  • The purpose of it is that the government of Telangana is regularizing unapproved and illegal layouts in the entire state of Telangana(both urban and rural)

Who are applicable to file LRS?

  • The rules will be applicable for all existing unapproved sub-division of plots 
  • Existing unapproved layouts or ventures where plots have been sold through a registered sale deed and unauthorized layouts developed provided at least 10% of plots are sold through the registered deed on or before August 26th 2020 
  • No illegal/ unauthorized plots will be permitted after the cut-off date(as of now the cut-off date is October 15th 2020)
  • The government secretaries have stated in their orders that there were many unapproved and illegal layouts putting extra pressure on the local bodies due to infrastructure deficiencies
  • The government has already decided not to allow registration of plots of such unapproved or illegal layouts
  • An application fees of 1,000 for a normal plot and 10,000 for layout developers is applicable

Who are NOT APPLICABLE to file the LRS?

  • Sites/plots under legal disputes, ceiling surplus lands/government lands/endowment lands/wakf lands/shikam lands and lands those are entered in prohibitory register of lands maintained by Revenue Department will also not be entertained for regularization


  • Road width should be a minimum of nine meters 
  • In case of weaker section layouts or plots less than 100 sq. meters, the road width may be six meters 
  • In case required road width is not available, required depth for widening equal on both sides will be insisted and water bodies will be preserved in the layout
  • The regularization measure is not applicable for plots or layouts from the application of land ceiling laws, land disputes or claims over title, boundary disputes, etc
  • In respect of assigned lands, prior clearance from the district collector will have to be obtained 
  • Even if only a few plot holders come forward for regularization in an unapproved layout, the layout pattern approved by the competent authority municipal authorities and additional collectors of local bodies for gram panchayats will be applicable to the entire layout
  • The applicant should furnish copies of the sale deed/ title deed only. Agreement of sale or the general power of attorney will not be considered as evidence 
  • No layout/development will be allowed in the bed of any kind of water bodies and in the full tank level (FTL) of any lake, pond, ‘kunta’ and in ‘shikam’ lands
  • Water bodies and courses will be maintained as recreational/green buffer zone, and no layout development activity other than recreational will be permitted 
  • within: 30-meters from the boundary of river course/ lakes of area of 10 hectares and 
  • Above; 9-meters from the boundary of lakes / ‘kuntas/shikam’ lands of area less than10 hectares; 9 metres from the boundaries of canal, ‘vagu’, etc., and
  • 2-meters from the defined boundary of the ‘nala’ or storm water drain

Restricted zones:

  • For layout development activity within the restricted zone near the airport or within 500 meters distance from the boundary of Defence areas/ military establishments, necessary clearance from the Airport Authority/ Defence Authority concerned has to be obtained
  • In case of sites in the vicinity of oil/gas pipelines, clear distance and other stipulations of the respective authority should be complied with
  • For areas covered under G.O.Ms111, protection of catchment area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes apart from the provisions of statutory Master Plan of HMDA(Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) / HADA(Hyderabad Airport Development Authority), the restrictions on layout and development activity imposed will be applicable 
  • Approvals will not be given in sites earmarked for industrial/manufacturing use zone and earmarked open spaces.

What will happen if LANDS or LAYOUTS will not be regularized?

Plots or layouts not regularized will not be provided with water supply connections and services like drainage, Registration Department will not allow sale or any transaction of such sites and building approvals will be denied


Payment of Regularization charges / Pro-rata open space charges 

a) The applicant shall pay the fees and charges as detailed below: 

(i) Basic regularization charges which are inclusive of betterment charges, development charges and layout scrutiny charges, penalty and other charges, at the following rates:


The actual regularization charges will be the percentage of basic regularization charges and shall be calculated based on the land value prevailing as on 28.10.2015 as given below.


Pro-rata open space charges: 

  • If 10% open space is not available in the un-approved layout pro-rata open space charges @ 14% of the plot value prevailing as on the date of registration of such plot shall be paid

  • Conversion charges shall be paid as per GO MS No 439 MA&UD dated 13.06.2007 in a site that is contrary to the land use stipulated in the statutory plan

b) The above charges may be remitted in full at the time of submission of application form or 10% of the penal amount or minimum Rs.10,000/- shall be paid along with the application form and balance amount shall be paid within 6 months from the date of submission of application

For more information on LRS of government of Telangana-


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PK Enterprises.