Friday 20 October 2023

Ever wondered how spa linen is processed?

 Today we will discuss how linen for a spa is processed. We will deep dive into what are the necessary steps and processes involved in washing spa towels. Spas which come under the luxury category need to have quality towels that will give good customer satisfaction to their clients

Therefore it is very important to understand the process of washing spa towels which needs to be given extra care when compared with hotels and other segments

Below is the link of my previous articles-

1. What are the important aspects required for laundry?

2. SOPs for washing hotel laundry?

Q. Is Pre-Wash necessary?

A. Pre-wash of linen is absolutely important as it-

·         Softens the linen

·         Removes dust, bacteria and any other unknown foreign agents

·         Eliminates shrinkage and color fading

·         To rinse of the silicone finish that coats most towels

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in washing the spa towels-

1.       Washing of White Towels separately from the Colored Towels:

White spa towels need to be washed in hot water and separately from all dark shaded towels. Dark shaded towels need to be washed in warm water. This increases the longevity as well as helps to keep the whiteness intact.

This seems to be a lot of work, but for good results this is a must.


2.       Detergent Usage:

Detergent usage need to be kept in check. Excess detergent usage will make the towels stiff


3.       Shake the towels before putting them in the dryer:

The spin cycle after the washing squeezes the towels and they will become in the size of a round cake. We need to separate and give them a good shake. This will help the dryer process to be more efficient


4.       Drying:

In this step it is important to see that we don’t use high temperatures to dry. High temperatures might cause the fabrics of the towels to lose their softness and wear them out faster than their life cycle


At the same time we need to dry the towels completely before they are folded/rolled as they will be stored. If they are not completely dried then moisture might creep into the towels and it can damage the towels


5.       Ironing:

Don’t iron the towels. Ironing causes stiffness and makes the towels less fluffy

Therefore it is very important to follow the above SOPs while washing the spa towels. This will definitely maintain the hygiene and quality of the towels

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