Wednesday 18 December 2019

Do I really need to sort my garments before washing and why is it necessary ??

In a single word, it's definitely YES.
If you put all Whites, Undergarments, Jeans, and Towels into the same load, you could wind up with dye transfer, lint, pilling, and even snags and holes.
Sorting laundry really isn’t so hard as you think. Especially if you presort the work is even more simpler and the garments will have more life.
Divide the garments in the following way-
1. Whites,
2. Dark Colors,
3. Light Colors,
4. Dry-clean-only items.
Then, when you’re ready to wash, sort those color piles by fabric type, so you’re washing heavy jeans or lint-producing bath towels separately from blouses, dress slacks, and undergarments.
This lets you use the correct water temperature and keep the drying time less, instead of over drying your T-shirts in order to get your towels dry.
Finally, if there are any heavily soiled linen specially with an oil stains they should be definitely washed separately, to prevent odors or stains transferring to other linen.
#whites #drycleaning #laundry #garments #drying #PKC

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