Monday 14 December 2020



ఇప్పటి వరకు నిర్మాణ రంగంలో సిమెంట్ చాలా ముఖ్యమైన భవన నిర్మాణ సామగ్రిగా ఉంది.

దీని యొక్క అతుకు మరియు సమన్వీకరణ లక్షణాలు రెండింటి వల్ల సిమెంట్ ఘన పదార్థం యొక్క బంధాలను బంధిస్తుంది మరియు ఘన పదార్థం యొక్క కణాలను ఒక దృఢమైన ఘన ద్రవ్యరాశిగా తయారు చేస్తుంది.

సిమెంట్ యొక్క నిర్వచనం అనేది కాంక్రీట్ చేయడానికి మోర్టార్ లేదా ఇసుక, నీరు మరియు కంకర వంటి మట్టి, మట్టి మరియు నీటితో తయారు చేయబడ్డ ఒక పదార్థం, మరిముఖ్యంగా కాల్చిన సున్నం, మట్టి మరియు నీటితో తయారు చేయబడ్డ పదార్థం.

సిమెంట్ చరిత్ర:

  1. 191 ఏళ్ల క్రితం సిమెంట్ ను అభివృద్ధి చేశారు.
  2. 1824లో భవన నిర్మాణ౦ కోస౦ ఇ౦గ్లా౦డ్కు చె౦దిన జోసెఫ్ ఆస్ప్డిన్ మొట్టమొదట గా ఒక అత్యా౦త అభివృద్ధి చె౦దబడిన ఒక రకమైన సిమె౦టియస్ పదార్థ౦ తయారీకి పేటెంట్ ను పొ౦ది౦ది.
  3. గట్టిపడిన సిమెంట్ పేస్ట్ ఇంగ్లాండ్ లోని పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ వద్ద ఏర్పడిన సహజ రాయిని పోలి ఉంటుంది. అందువల్ల దీనికి పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్ అని పేరు పెట్టారు.
  4. సిమెంట్ ఇతర అన్ని బైండింగ్ మెటీరియల్స్ స్థానంలో, ఉదాహరణకు, బంకమట్టి మరియు సున్నం-గత శతాబ్దం నుండి నిర్మాణంలో వందల సంవత్సరాలు అధిక మైన పాలన చేసింది.
  5. సిమెంట్ ప్రసిద్ధి చెందినది కావడానికి కారణం, సిమెంట్ అనేది సున్నం మరియు సిమెంట్ మధ్య అత్యంత బలమైన బైండింగ్ మెటీరియల్.
  6. సిమెంట్ ఇప్పుడు ప్లెయిన్ కాంక్రీట్, రీఇన్ ఫోర్స్డ్ కాంక్రీట్, మోర్టార్, ప్లాస్టర్, గ్రౌట్లు, పెయింట్స్ మరియు ప్రీకాస్ట్ ఎలిమెంట్ లు వంటి అనేక నిర్మాణ వాణిజ్య అంశాల్లో ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది.
  7. ఒక సాధారణ భవన నిర్మాణంలో సిమెంట్ నిర్మాణ వ్యయంలో సుమారు 10 నుంచి 12 శాతం వరకు ఉంటుంది. వంతెనల వంటి కొన్ని ఇతర ప్రధాన నిర్మాణాల్లో ఇది చాలా ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది.

దాని ప్రజాదరణ మరియు సార్వత్రిక ఆమోదం కొరకు కొన్ని కారణాలు దిగువ జాబితా చేయబడ్డాయి:

a. సిమెంట్ ను నియంత్రిత స్థితిలో పెద్ద పరిమాణంలో ఉత్పత్తి చేయవచ్చు, ప్యాక్ చేసి, ఎక్కువ దూరాలకు రవాణా చేయవచ్చు.

b. సిమెంట్ సున్నం మరియు బంకమట్టి కంటే అనేక రెట్లు బలమైన బైండింగ్ మెటీరియల్

c. సైట్ వద్ద స్థానికంగా లభ్యం అయ్యే మెటీరియల్స్ తో దీనిని మిక్స్ చేసి, విల్ వద్ద ఉపయోగించవచ్చు.

d. సాధారణ వాతావరణంలో సరిగ్గా నిల్వ చేయబడినప్పుడు, అది మరింత ఎక్కువ కాలం పాటు క్షీణించదు లేదా ప్రతిచర్య చేయదు.

e. నీటితో కలిసినప్పుడు, చాలా త్వరగా సెట్ కావడం మరియు ఒకట్రెండు రోజులో తగినంత బలాన్ని పొందుతుంది, ఇతర బైండింగ్ మెటీరియల్స్ కు ఎక్కువ సమయం అవసరం అవుతుంది.

f. నీటిని శీఘ్ర సున్నంలో చేర్చినప్పుడు, ఎక్కువ వేడి ఉత్పత్తి అవుతుంది, అయితే సిమెంట్ విషయంలో, ఉత్పత్తి అయ్యే వేడిమి గుర్తించలేని మరియు చాలా తక్కువగా ఉంటుంది.

g. ఇది సంపీడన ఒత్తిళ్లను బాగా తట్టుకోగలదు. టెన్షన్ మరియు షీర్ స్ట్రెస్ లు చోటు చేసుకున్నప్పుడు, ఇది స్టీల్ రీఇన్ ఫోర్స్ మెంట్ కు మంచి బాండ్ ని ఇస్తుంది మరియు అదనపు ఒత్తిళ్లను స్టీల్ కు బదిలీ చేస్తుంది.

h. భూమి యొక్క ఎగువ క్రస్ట్ లో సమృద్ధిగా లభించే సున్నపురాయి, హెమటైట్, బాక్సైట్, బంకమట్టి మొదలైన పదార్థాల నుంచి ఇది ఉత్పత్తి చేయబడుతుంది.

సిమెంట్ యొక్క వివిధ రకాలు:

1. ఆర్డినరీ పోర్ట్ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్

2. పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ పోజోలానాసిమెంట్

3. పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్ వేగంగా గట్టిపడి

4. ఎక్స్ ట్రా ర్యాపిడ్ హార్డనింగ్ సిమెంట్

5. పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ స్లాగ్ సిమెంట్

6. హైడ్రోఫోబిక్ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్

7. తక్కువ వేడి పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్

8. సల్ఫేట్ రిసిస్టింగ్ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్

9. క్విక్ సెట్టింగ్ సిమెంట్

10. హై అల్యూమినా సిమెంట్

11. సూపర్ సల్ఫేటెడ్ సిమెంట్

12. మేత సిమెంట్

13. ఆయిల్ వెల్ సిమెంట్

14. వైట్ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్

15. రంగు సిమెంట్

16. వాటర్ ప్రూఫ్ సిమెంట్

17. విశాలమైన సిమెంట్

18. ఇసుక సిమెంట్, మరియు

19. ఎయిర్-ఎన్ ట్రైనింగ్ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్ 

సిమెంట్ గ్రేడ్ లు:

సిమెంట్ యొక్క మూడు ప్రధాన గ్రేడ్ లు ఉన్నాయి.

33 గ్రేడ్ ఆర్డినరీ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్:

33 గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ అనేది క్యూరింగ్ యొక్క 28 రోజుల చివరల్లో 33 N/mm2 యొక్క కంప్రెసివ్ సామర్థ్యం కలిగిన సిమెంట్ ని తెలియజేస్తుంది. సాధారణ పర్యావరణ పరిస్థితుల్లో సాధారణ నిర్మాణ పనుల కొరకు ఈ రకం సిమెంట్ ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది.

43 గ్రేడ్ ఆర్డినరీ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్:

43 గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ అనేది క్యూరింగ్ యొక్క 28 రోజుల చివరల్లో 43 N/mm2 యొక్క సమగ్ర సామర్థ్యం కలిగిన సిమెంట్ ని తెలియజేస్తుంది. ఈ రకమైన సిమెంట్ ను ప్లెయిన్ కాంక్రీట్ వర్క్ మరియు ప్లాస్టరింగ్ పనుల కొరకు ఉపయోగిస్తారు.

53 గ్రేడ్ ఆర్డినరీ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్:

53 గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ అనేది క్యూరింగ్ యొక్క 28 రోజుల చివరల్లో 53 N/mm2 యొక్క కంప్రెసివ్ సామర్థ్యం కలిగిన సిమెంట్ ని తెలియజేస్తుంది. ఇతర గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ ల వలే కాకుండా, 53 గ్రేడ్ ఆర్డినరీ పోర్ట్ ల్యాండ్ సిమెంట్ ను రీఇన్ ఫోర్స్డ్ సిమెంట్ కాంక్రీట్ లో వలే నిర్మాణ ప్రయోజనాల కొరకు ఉపయోగిస్తారు.

ప్రతి గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ విభిన్న రకాల పనులకు తగినది, ఎందుకంటే ప్రతి దానికి కూడా విభిన్న స్థాయిల సామర్థ్యం ఉంటుంది. ఒక నిర్ధిష్ట పని కొరకు తప్పుడు స్ట్రెంగ్త్ లెవల్స్ ఉపయోగించడం వల్ల మీ మొత్తం నిర్మాణ డిజైన్ పై ప్రభావం చూపుతుంది. నిర్మాణ ప్రపంచంలో, చాలా మంది నిపుణులు 53 గ్రేడ్ సిమెంట్ ను ఎంచుకుంటారు.

తదుపరి ఆర్టికల్లో మరో నిర్మాణ మెటీరియల్ గురించి నేను చర్చిస్తున్నాం. మరిన్ని వివరాల కొరకు ఈ స్థలాన్ని చెక్ చేస్తూ ఉండండి

మరింత సమాచారం కొరకు,

లింక్డ్ ఇన్, ఫేస్ బుక్, ఇన్ స్టాగ్రామ్ లో ప్రజలు నన్ను టచ్ లో ఉండవచ్చు.

PK - PKC రియల్టర్స్.

Sunday 13 December 2020

Ever wondered why cement is the important construction materials? Read through to know more...


Till date cement has been a very important building materials used in the construction industry.

Because of its both adhesive and cohesive properties cement can make bonding and bind particles of solid matter into a compact durable solid mass. 

The definition of cement is anything that binds, particularly a substance made of burned lime, clay, sand and water to make mortar or sand, water and gravel to make concrete

History of Cement:

  • It was 191 years ago that cement was developed
  • Joseph Aspdin of England first patented the manufacture of a very improvised type of cementitious material for building construction in 1824
  • The hardened cement paste resembled the natural stone occurring at Portland in England. Hence it was named as Portland cement
  • Cement has replaced all other binding materials, for example, clay and lime, which ruled high for hundreds years, in construction from last century
  • The reason why cement has become famous is that, cement is the strongest binding material amongst, lime and cement
  • Cement is now used in many construction trade items like plain concrete, reinforced concrete, mortar, plaster, grouts, paints and precast elements 
  • In an ordinary building construction the cement accounts to about 10 to 12% of the cost of construction. In some other major constructions like bridges it’s very much more

Some of the reasons for its popularity and universal acceptance are listed below:

  • Cement can be produced in large volumes in controlled condition, packed and transported over long distances
  • Cement is several times stronger binding material than lime and clay
  • It can be mixed and used at will with locally available materials at site
  • When stored properly in ordinary atmosphere, it does not deteriorate or react for reasonably longer time
  • When mixed with water, starts setting very early and acquires sufficient strength in a day or two, where as other binding materials require much longer time
  • When water is added to quick lime, lot of head is generated, but in case of cement, heat generated is unnoticeable and much lesser
  • It can withstand compressive stresses well. Where tension and shear stresses occur it gives good bond to steel reinforcement and transfers excess stresses to steel
  • It is produced from the materials like limestone, hematite, bauxite, clay etc which are abundantly available in upper crust of the earth

The various types of Cement are-

  • Ordinary  Portland  Cement(OPC)                                                            
  • Portland  Pozzolana Cement(PPC
  • Rapid Hardening Portland Cement 
  • Extra Rapid Hardening Cement  
  • Portland Slag Cement
  • Hydrophobic Portland Cement
  • Low Heat Portland Cement 
  • Sulphate Resisting  Portland Cement 
  • Quick Setting Cement
  • High Alumina Cement
  • Super Sulphated Cement
  • Masonry Cement
  • Oil Well Cement
  •  White Portland Cement
  •  Colored Cement
  •  Water-Proof Cement
  •  Expansive Cement
  • Sand Cement, and
  •  Air-Entraining Portland Cement

Cement Grades:

There are Three Main Grades of Cement

33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement:

33 grade cement refers to cement that has a compressive strength of 33 N/mm2 at the end of 28 days of curing. This type of cement is used for general construction work under normal environmental condition.

43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement:

43 grade cement refers to cement that has a comprehensive strength of 43 N/mm2 at the end of 28 days of curing. This type of cement is used for plain concrete work and plastering works.

53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement:

53 grade cement refers to cement that has a compressive strength of 53 N/mm2 at the end of 28 days of curing. Unlike other grades of cement, 53 grade ordinary portland cement is used for structural purposes as in reinforced cement concrete.

Every grade of cement is suitable for different set of tasks as each of them have varying levels of strength. Using the wrong strength levels for a particular job can affect your overall structural design. In the world of construction, most professionals opt for 53 grade cement.

In the next article I will be discussing about another construction material. Keep checking this space for more details

For more information,

People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram


PKC Realtors.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Are you looking to buy a house? What are the parameters we have to check before purchasing?

 Have you ever failed to be specific? When was the last time you didn’t describe something specific enough? Failing to do so will definitely have a lot of repercussions. 

During construction, specifics are everything and failure to communicate specifically could create massive change orders, cost overruns and schedule delays, which can negatively on our BUDGET

In fact, specifics are such a key element of a construction project as there is an entire formal process dedicated to them. Here are some construction specifications one should keep in mind before purchasing their dream house.


RCC Framed Structure specifications (Column Sizes, Roof Height, Slab Thickness, Slab Rods, Cement, Sand, Steel)

Super Structure: 

  • Thickness of External and Internal Walls (Cement, Sand, Steel, Bricks)


  • Is it marble flooring or tiles or any other?

Door & Windows:

  • What is the make of the doors and windows?


  • What are the utilities been given in the kitchen? (sink, kitchen platform, any dadoing etc.,)


  • What are the bath fittings been given? 
  • Tiles specifications?


  • What are the various being used externally and internally?
  • Are the walls being smooth finished? If so what is the material being used?


  • What are the types of wirings used in different rooms?
  • What are the types of switches used?
  • Any other extra electrical fittings in offer?


  • What is the piping system used internally and externally?
  • What are the pipes used for hot and cold water?
  • How is sewerage being sent out?


  • What are the interiors being given in this price?

For more information,

People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram

Every week there will be an article on various specifics of a house. Keep checking this space for more details..


PKC Realtors.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Property Management Services(PMS)

 PMS actually means Property Management Services

We at PKC Realtors offer the most exciting and interesting Property Management Services in the city of Hyderabad.

There has been many reports of fraudulent registrations with an intention to grab both government and private land in the state of Telangana. There are as many as 183 cases that have been identified by the registration department across the state and 90% of them are from erstwhile Ranga Reddy district that huge tracts of government land and vacant land

Having a property as an asset is the happiest thing, but managing and looking about its whereabouts is the saddest part.

There are many things a person should do from his/her side to increase the property’s value. Many people feel that the outside factors (government policies, the place in which the property is etc.,) play a major role in the appreciation of the property’s value but one doesn’t realize that the property cannot be sold at a higher price if it is left vacant or abandoned for longer period of time

How does PKC Realtors help a landlord?

  • Identifying the Land/Property:

Many people inherit the property(land/building) from their parents or ancestors. After inheriting they never put an effort to physically go and check where it is and check about its whereabouts. The major problem lies here. If a person doesn’t physically identify his/her property in spite of having the documents then there is a very good probability that they should sell it a very low price

  • Advising the client:

Once the land is identified we will advise the client on what should we do to the land to appreciate the monetary value of it. There are many options which will appreciate the value-

  • If the client is expecting some rental income, we can construct a commercial/residential building
  • We can give the land for development activities(both commercial and residential)
  • PKC Realtors team will visit the property and update the current situation to the client
  • If the client wants to keep the land in the same way, we will be advising them on what they should do

By maintaining the land in this way, the land value will be considerably appreciated and there will be a whole lot of other benefits as well.

At the end of the day, we will help the client in appreciating his/her property’s value.

For more details do get in touch with us on-



PKC Realtors.

Friday 9 October 2020

End of Road for the U.S cult bike manufacturer in India- Harley Davidson

 The dream bike of many young Indians is shutting its shop in India. This move was rather seen as an inevitable by many experts.

While Harley did manage to create an aura around cruisers and leisure riding, the move ended up helping local brand Royal Enfield more that saw a massive growth in demand. Enfield often seen as "India’s Harley" by the middle class has been on a roll over the past few years and plans to become the world’s biggest mid-engine motorcycle maker across the world

Below are some of the key points on why it is closing down its operations and what is in store for this cult motorcycle manufacturer?

Tax Structure:

Even President Trump has often raked up the issue of "high" import duty that Harley bikes faced in India and he even called it "unfair", even taking it up with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Trump’s complaints had led the Centre to reduce the duty on Harley motorcycles from 100% to 50%, though the US government still remained unsatisfied.

Harley’s exit from manufacturing in India may be a dampener for India’s trade discussions with the US, as the latter may continue to blame the import duty structure.

India not a market for big bikes?

On paper, India is one of the biggest two-wheeler markets in the world. More than 17 million two-wheelers were sold in the market last fiscal, more than anywhere else in the world. Yet, it is a market not for big burly and noisy leisure bikes in which Harley excels, but for puny commuter machines meant for intra city runabouts that cost less, are easy to maintain and dirt cheap to run. 

Over 90 per cent of them are motorcycles, scooters and mopeds with engine capacity of less than 150cc. Volumes in the super bike category with engines bigger than 500cc and where Harley operates, are restricted to just a shade over 25,000 units per annum. Quite simply, Harley isn't meant for India.


The smallest and most affordable Harley motorcycle in India is the 750cc Street 750 that costs Rs 4.7 lakh. Harley offers more than a dozen bikes in India with price going upwards to half a crore. This kind of pricing even with attractive finance options, puts a Harley out of the reach of most Indians. What did not help matters was the company's delay in bringing out smaller displacement and more affordable bikes for emerging markets like India. Neither did it have options like off-roaders, which Triumph and KTM have, or out an out sports bikes like BMW. 

Royal Enfield:

In India, Harley Davidson found a fierce challenger in the Royal Enfield and by all means it came up short against the local rival. In fact, the growth of Enfield in the last 10 years suggests that entry of Harley only helped it. 

Customers checked out a Harley and drooled over them but ended up buying the more affordable, lighter and easy to maintain Enfield. 

During this time, Enfield brought out newer models like the Himalayan off-roader. More recently, it charted into Harley territory directly with the twin cylinder 650cc Interceptor twins. 

Lack of an Indian Partner:

If you can't beat the competition at least join with them. This might be the trick that Harley missed completely. KTM and Triumph did it with Bajaj Auto. BMW did it with TVS. Harley remained in glorious isolation. 

The result is there for all to see. Though there were widespread rumours of a potential tie-up with India's largest two-wheeler maker Hero MotoCorp, the companies never admitted nor refuted such claims. 

Not Suitable for Indian Roads:

Another big reason why Harley could not sell in India in numbers it thought it should was many customers felt its suspension and chassis had not been tuned enough for India's pothole ridden roads. Faulty brakes and burnt clutch plates are the most obvious problems and repairing or replacing them are no mean tasks either. Social media sites are replete with customers narrating their horrid experiences-parts not available with dealers for weeks on end, high cost of service or recurring malfunctions. On numerous occasions, Harley had to also issue recalls to fix those problems. This did the credibility of the company no good. The perception that went around was that the bikes aren't equipped to handle the rough and tumble of Indian roads. 

Customers will surely expect a no hassle ownership when they are buying a bike for Rs 10 lakh and above. This surely didn’t go down well with the Indian customers

End of the Road:

All in all the U.S cult bike manufacturer has sold only has sold only a little over 27,000 units in the last 10 years while the country’s-segment leader Royal Enfield sells double of that every month. Last fiscal, it sold a mere 2,470 units and only about 100 motorcycles in the first quarter of this fiscal

To stay afloat, Harley Davidson is planning to trim its product portfolio by a third and shrink its global footprint to 50-odd profitable markets

People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram


PK Enterprises.

Monday 5 October 2020

All the information you need to know about LRS

 Recently LRS has been unveiled by the government of Telangana.

What is LRS?

The abbreviation for LRS is Layout Regularization Scheme

  • The purpose of it is that the government of Telangana is regularizing unapproved and illegal layouts in the entire state of Telangana(both urban and rural)

Who are applicable to file LRS?

  • The rules will be applicable for all existing unapproved sub-division of plots 
  • Existing unapproved layouts or ventures where plots have been sold through a registered sale deed and unauthorized layouts developed provided at least 10% of plots are sold through the registered deed on or before August 26th 2020 
  • No illegal/ unauthorized plots will be permitted after the cut-off date(as of now the cut-off date is October 15th 2020)
  • The government secretaries have stated in their orders that there were many unapproved and illegal layouts putting extra pressure on the local bodies due to infrastructure deficiencies
  • The government has already decided not to allow registration of plots of such unapproved or illegal layouts
  • An application fees of 1,000 for a normal plot and 10,000 for layout developers is applicable

Who are NOT APPLICABLE to file the LRS?

  • Sites/plots under legal disputes, ceiling surplus lands/government lands/endowment lands/wakf lands/shikam lands and lands those are entered in prohibitory register of lands maintained by Revenue Department will also not be entertained for regularization


  • Road width should be a minimum of nine meters 
  • In case of weaker section layouts or plots less than 100 sq. meters, the road width may be six meters 
  • In case required road width is not available, required depth for widening equal on both sides will be insisted and water bodies will be preserved in the layout
  • The regularization measure is not applicable for plots or layouts from the application of land ceiling laws, land disputes or claims over title, boundary disputes, etc
  • In respect of assigned lands, prior clearance from the district collector will have to be obtained 
  • Even if only a few plot holders come forward for regularization in an unapproved layout, the layout pattern approved by the competent authority municipal authorities and additional collectors of local bodies for gram panchayats will be applicable to the entire layout
  • The applicant should furnish copies of the sale deed/ title deed only. Agreement of sale or the general power of attorney will not be considered as evidence 
  • No layout/development will be allowed in the bed of any kind of water bodies and in the full tank level (FTL) of any lake, pond, ‘kunta’ and in ‘shikam’ lands
  • Water bodies and courses will be maintained as recreational/green buffer zone, and no layout development activity other than recreational will be permitted 
  • within: 30-meters from the boundary of river course/ lakes of area of 10 hectares and 
  • Above; 9-meters from the boundary of lakes / ‘kuntas/shikam’ lands of area less than10 hectares; 9 metres from the boundaries of canal, ‘vagu’, etc., and
  • 2-meters from the defined boundary of the ‘nala’ or storm water drain

Restricted zones:

  • For layout development activity within the restricted zone near the airport or within 500 meters distance from the boundary of Defence areas/ military establishments, necessary clearance from the Airport Authority/ Defence Authority concerned has to be obtained
  • In case of sites in the vicinity of oil/gas pipelines, clear distance and other stipulations of the respective authority should be complied with
  • For areas covered under G.O.Ms111, protection of catchment area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes apart from the provisions of statutory Master Plan of HMDA(Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) / HADA(Hyderabad Airport Development Authority), the restrictions on layout and development activity imposed will be applicable 
  • Approvals will not be given in sites earmarked for industrial/manufacturing use zone and earmarked open spaces.

What will happen if LANDS or LAYOUTS will not be regularized?

Plots or layouts not regularized will not be provided with water supply connections and services like drainage, Registration Department will not allow sale or any transaction of such sites and building approvals will be denied


Payment of Regularization charges / Pro-rata open space charges 

a) The applicant shall pay the fees and charges as detailed below: 

(i) Basic regularization charges which are inclusive of betterment charges, development charges and layout scrutiny charges, penalty and other charges, at the following rates:


The actual regularization charges will be the percentage of basic regularization charges and shall be calculated based on the land value prevailing as on 28.10.2015 as given below.


Pro-rata open space charges: 

  • If 10% open space is not available in the un-approved layout pro-rata open space charges @ 14% of the plot value prevailing as on the date of registration of such plot shall be paid

  • Conversion charges shall be paid as per GO MS No 439 MA&UD dated 13.06.2007 in a site that is contrary to the land use stipulated in the statutory plan

b) The above charges may be remitted in full at the time of submission of application form or 10% of the penal amount or minimum Rs.10,000/- shall be paid along with the application form and balance amount shall be paid within 6 months from the date of submission of application

For more information on LRS of government of Telangana-


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PK Enterprises.

Monday 28 September 2020

What is actually a private limited company, what are its advantages and disadvantages and should we register it before starting a company?

What is a Private Limited company?

  • A Private Limited Company or Pvt. LTD Company, is a kind of privately held small business entity
  • This kind of business entity limits proprietor risk or Liability to their shares 
  • Also the Pvt. LTD Company confines the number of investors or Shareholders to 50 and restricts investors or shareholders from publicly exchanging shares

Advantages of Private Limited Company:

  • Reduction in Liability:  

The main advantage for the investors is that, in the event of the company closure due to monetary issues, or if in the event that there is any misrepresentation, the proprietor will dependably have the privilege to secure his/her benefits/share capital

  • Funding: 

A Pvt. Ltd company can get funds for their company through their friends and family by giving them equity shares. It syndicates both value and obligation assets to have an ideal capital structure

  • Team building: 

By offering Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) to the employees a Pvt. LTD Company can bring ownership status to their employees

  • Reliability: 

As the company is enlisted as a corporate substance, the believability is enhanced, and also it builds reliability in the market

  • Perpetuity:

Even after the demise and exit of any investor or the founder, the firm proceeds and its reality is protected

  • Foreign  Direct Investment (FDI): 

Foreign deposits/ investments through a simple channel are taken into account for a Pvt. LTD Company

Disadvantages of Private Limited Company:

  • Registration  Process: 

The registration process is a bit hectic if directions or rules and regulations of the Ministry of Corporate (MCA) are not clear. It takes a minimum of 10-15 days for the total process or complete incorporation process which incorporates, the age of DSC, DIN, Certificate of Incorporation, Company PAN, AoA, MoA, etc.,

  • Yearly Compliances: 

It is very critical to document the records at MCA every financial year. A Chattered Account, for the most part, deals with this, to document the assessments for your private constrained organization. All these services comes at an added cost

  • Cannot be Listed in Stock Exchanges: 

The posting of the organizations for the first sale of stock is not possible

  • Limited Shareholders: 

In a Pvt. Ltd company, the number of investors or individuals can’t surpass more than 50.

In the next article I will be talking about the other type of company registrations and which is suitable for startup companies.

For more information,

People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram


PK Enterprises.