Sunday 28 June 2020

Story behind our company LOGO PKC Laundries .

I always felt that, naming my company, designing its logo, mascot is similar to naming my child when he/she is born.
I had the following things before naming our company, designing it’s logo and mascot-
  • The name should be easy to pronounce but catchy,
  • The logo should be very attractive, depicting the USP’s of the company and also it should be instilled in people’s brains, 
  • The mascot should get along with everyone and even kids

Therefore here is the story-
In 2015 I and Chaithanya wanted to start a business. We had close to 20 different ideas and discussed extensively on the pros and cons of each and every idea.
After close to 5-6 months of discussions we zeroed upon the laundry services.
Then came the biggest task- name, logo, and mascot.
We were three friends and we had a thought of starting a business right from our college days. Unlike now, in early 2010’s entrepreneurship was an entirely different ball game. Most students would prefer doing their masters, or getting into an IT company, settle abroad etc., but we were so determined to be unique out of all our batch mates and wanted to do something entirely different and also we really had balls to do something crazy. 
At that point of time itself we wanted to name our company with a 3-LETTER WORD (Starting letters of our names, or something related to us)
But due to some reasons I and Chaithanya could stick on together and the other guy couldn’t. So, as per our initial plan we still wanted to name the company with a 3-Letter Word 

The thought process:
In 2015 before starting the company, I used to work for Signode India Limited in the area of business development. In my work assignments I used to travel most of the time and in one such occasion I had to go to Bengaluru for 3 days. But, the work got completed in a single day and I had to stay back there for another 2 days as per the schedule. It was then I had designed our company’s logo in the hotel I was staying.
I stayed in OYO-Rooms and I put all my thoughts, rough designs on the tissue which were kept on my table. This fondness of designing has stuck me when I previously worked on Uni-Graphics, AutoCAD and some other design platforms after my B.Tech. Till that point of time, we wanted to outsource our logo designing but due to this sudden change in my schedule I had time to design our company’s logo on my own.
I took my MacBook and researched for 4-5 hours. Roughly I’ve seen 2000 logos of various companies and analyzed many different things (I didn’t want to Google it because, it might change my creative thought process and end up designing something similar). Some of them are-
  • Their First Logo (the logo when the company has started), Current Logo 
  • What does a logo actually represent?
  • What does the company wants to tell people through its logo?
  • Why is a logo actually important?
  • How people associate themselves with the logo, and many more things….
After this exercise, I googled the actual meanings of the logos of various companies for another 2-3 hours. After a thorough research of 7-8 hours I got an idea on how to design the logo.
The first step is to name the company. As per our initial plan we wanted the name of the company to be a 3-Letter Word. I always had a view point that people should recognize what a particular company does by knowing their name (but not everything related to the company should be in the name) and therefore that is how the name PKC was born (In the name, we didn’t want to have any laundry related words attached to it)
P K C- Premanth Kundurthi Chaithanya
Importance of ‘K’- In our logo, if you have noticed, K is will be in reverse. We wanted the logo to be different and stylish. After multiple iterations on tweaking with the letters we finally wanted what we got. We also wanted people to take a look at the logo once more and guess it is ‘K’. It has worked, and now many people look 2-3 times at it to find what it is. 
The design:
  • I took a tissue, wrote PKC on it
  • We wanted to offer the customers those parameters which no other market participant offered till that point of time. I had to represent these 3 different parameters in our logo
  • I wrote all the USPs of our company which we wanted to offer

P- FAST DELIVERY (three lines)
K- QUALITY (the stars)
C- CONCERN towards our CUSTOMERS (the smiley emoji)
Once I inserted all these parameters in the logo, I did almost 400-500 iterations for the final output. I had spent close to 2 full nights for the final logo.
After coming back to Hyderabad, I had shown it to Chaithanya and he was surprised and was excited than me for the logo. 
We were also crystal clear on using only 2 colors for the logo. Black being the favorite color of both of us and Yellow will be seen from any distance and it suits well with black. 
We finalized on the same and gave it to a software guy and explained all these things to him.
Therefore after many iterations and thought processes PKC s logo came into life! 
In the next article I will tell you the story on how PKC s Laundry Man (Mascot) came to life!

For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

Saturday 27 June 2020

CONCLUDING ARTICLE on what are the steps we should take to reduce the PLASTIC POLLUTION in OCEANS.

Read the below links before directly jumping into this article-

How much we humans are dependent on the oceans and seafood:
  • Consumption:
When I was growing up, fish were considered “brain food.” I was told that eating fish was good for you and would make you smart. Mothers who consume seafood may provide benefits to the developing fetal nervous system from fatty acids in
the seafood. Seafood is a good source of high-quality protein, is low in saturated fat, and is rich in many micronutrients. 

As the ocean pollution is increasing by an alarming rate both through natural processes and practices of an increasingly industrialized world which is raising concerns about the contaminants found in our seafood supply.

As consumption of seafood rises, there has been an increasing awareness of the potential risks from seafood consumption due to the presence of microbial contaminants; persistent organic pollutants; microfiber plastics and heavy metals, especially mercury, in our oceans and inland waters.

People are therefore in a dilemma: they are told that seafood is good for them and should be consumed in larger amounts than current consumption, while at the same due to ocean pollution all the species in the oceans are getting affected and therefore people who are eating them are being directly affected. 

Clearly, it should be an environmental priority to eliminate the sources of contamination of this important component of our food supply so that such a contradiction is avoided.

Worldwide seafood consumption has increased exponentially-

With regards to actual production, global capture fisheries production reached its highest-ever level of 96.4 million MT in 2018, with the top seven fishing nations of China, Indonesia, Peru, India, the Russian Federation, the United States, and Vietnam accounting for almost 50 percent of the total. 

Asia has been the dominant force in the aquaculture sector, with an 89 percent share in the last two decades.

  • Livelihood:
Aquaculture is fastest growing food production sector, according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) report.
Fishing in India is a major industry in its coastal states, employing over 14 million people. Frozen shrimp is the most exported item from India. According to the FAO of the U.S, fish production has increased more than tenfold since 1947 and doubled between 1990 and 2010

According to the CMFRI (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute) Census 2010, there are 3,288 marine fishing villages and 1,511 marine fish landing centers in 9 maritime states and 2 union territories. The total marine fisher folk population was about 4 million comprising in 864,550 families. Nearly 61% of the fishermen families are under BPL category.

West Bengal is the largest fish producer in the country. 

Globally, India stands 3rd in Fisheries and 2nd in Aquaculture production.
Therefore after knowing the importance of aquaculture, fisheries for the mankind, it is definitely our responsibility to conserve them before they also become extinct and unavailable for the coming generations. More importantly, the need of the hour is we need to reduce the plastic pollution in the oceans.
More than 60% of the plastic pollution in the oceans is being created by the garments we wear. Below are some of the steps which we should take to reduce this plastic pollution-
What can we do about to stop oceans polluted by microfibers from garments?
As I always believe in, Prevention is Better than Cure 
Corporations, Companies Governments, and most importantly People should follow some necessary steps to make this world a better place for living-

  • Washing machines need to be designed to reduce emissions of fibers to the environment. At the moment they are not doing this. Currently, studies are being made on whether fiber filters for washing machines are a feasible solution.

  • Consumer choices can have a "significant impact" on decreasing pollution caused by microfibers when making informed decisions in how they do laundry and the products they are purchasing. Though such choices will not eliminate the issue, they may achieve a meaningful short-term reduction in harmful environmental pollution.

  • Textile manufactures could also design fabrics that shed less, clothing companies could utilize them, and consumers could be more mindful.

  • Use of Natural Fibers is the need of the hour. Rather than multicolor, people should use single and natural colors for their clothing

  • It’s high time that, we Indian’s promote our own Khadi. 
     Khadi is a hand-woven natural fiber cloth originating from eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent. This fabric is made mainly of cotton
     The cloth is usually woven from cotton and may also include silk or wool, which are all spun into yarn on a spinning wheel called a charkha. 
     It is a versatile fabric, cool in summer and warm in winter. 
     In order to improve the look, khadi/khaddar is sometimes starched to give it a stiffer feel. It is widely accepted in fashion circles. Though khadi is being promoted in India by Khadi and Village Industries CommissionMinistry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, still it has to larger audience so that people start using it extensively and thus the plastic pollution in the oceans can be reduced.

  • Larger wash loads were shown to decrease the release of microfibers because of the ratio of water to the fabric. People should fill and not overfill their washing machines to around three-quarters. A 30 percent reduction of microfiber release was observed when launderers used a 30-minute wash cycle at 86F compared to the standard 85-minute cycle with a water temperature at 104F

  • Lastly, below are my two easy suggestions for the consumers- 
  • Buy clothes when necessary, 
  • Wash only when needed
I will conclude this article by a saying from a famous personality-
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

Same applies in this context as well.

For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram

PK Enterprises.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Plastics can take hundreds of years, possibly millennia, to degrade. The plastic we throw into the ocean now will remain for generations.

Did you know that the MAJOR SOURCE of OCEAN PLASTIC POLLUTION is due to our CLOTHES?

Read the below link before directly jumping into this article-

It’s no secret that too many of the plastic products we use end up in the ocean. But people might not be aware of one major source of that pollution i.e., the clothes we wear.
Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic, and other synthetic fibers — all of which are forms of plastic are now about 60 percent of the material that makes up our clothes worldwide. Synthetic plastic fibers are cheap and extremely versatile, providing for stretch and breathability in athleisure, and warmth and sturdiness in winter clothes.
These fibers contribute to ocean plastic pollution in a subtle but pervasive way. The fabrics they make along with synthetic-natural blends leach into the environment just by being washed. Estimates vary, but it’s possible that a single load of laundry could release hundreds of thousands of fibers from our clothes into the water supply.
And these tiny fibers less than 5 millimeters in length, with diameters measured in micrometers (one-thousandth of a millimeter) can eventually reach the ocean. In the oceans, they’re adding to the micro plastic pollution that’s accumulating in the food chain and being ingested by all sorts of marine wildlife, and even us. Most of the plastic that’s in the ocean, in terms of number of pieces, is not in the form of whole products like cups or straws, but instead broken-down shreds of plastic.
Think about how many people are washing their clothes on a daily basis, and how many clothes we all have? Even when we’re walking around, not washing our clothes, tiny fibers are falling off. It’s everywhere.
As we seek solutions to the overall issue of plastic pollution, we need to recognize that our clothing is a major part of the problem and will need to be part of the solution as well.

Much of the micro plastic problem is a plastic clothing problem
Consider the lint we collect in the clothes dryer. That lint is tiny bits of thread from our clothing that have become dislodged and are caught by a mesh screen.
Similarly, synthetic fibers come off in the wash but they’re so small, and there’s no filter inside the machines to catch them. Instead, these tiny plastic fibers pass through to sewage treatment plants, which often don’t have filters fine enough to catch them. Treated wastewater is then often dumped into rivers or the sea, carrying plastic clothing fibers with it

A study was made on the following- 
Tested swatches of three types of fabric: 
  • A polyester-cotton blend T-shirt, 
  • A polyester hoodie, and 
  • An acrylic sweater. 
After a few washes (all garments shed more when they are brand new), the acrylic fabric shed the most, followed by the polyester, and then the poly-cotton blend.
And even if the amount of plastic shed per load is small, measured in milligrams, it adds up. If “a population of 100,000 people would produce approximately 1.02 kilograms of fibers each day.” That’s 793 pounds per year of individual, teeny-tiny plastic shards.

And once plastics are in the ocean environment, there’s no effective way to remove them.
These tiny plastic particles can find their ways into the diets of marine life and accumulate throughout the food chain. A recent study found around 73 percent of fish caught at mid-ocean depths had micro plastic in their stomachs. Even the animals that live in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, are eating microfibers.
It’s hard to say how much micro plastics from textiles contributes to the overall plastic pollution problem in the ocean. Regardless of the exact proportion, fibers are an important contributor to plastic pollution.

Plastics can take hundreds of years, possibly millennia, to degrade. The plastic we throw into the ocean now will remain for generations.

Use of Natural Fibers is always a better solution to stop the ocean pollution, but is our responsibility to make it affordable to the common man
Don’t miss the next concluding article- 
  • What are the solutions to these problems, 
  • Are there any solutions at all? 
  • How badly are humans being affected by this problem? and much more..

For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Washing processes of GARMENTS in washing machines at HOMES should be changed to eliminate tons of OCEAN POLLUTION

Nature is polluted in many ways which we do not even think off. The latest one which struck me was the following-

According to a research an estimated 14,000 tons of microfibers sloughed off of soiled laundry which is believed to be released into European oceans every year, further contributing to micro plastic pollution with a threat of becoming a "significant environmental issue." This is approximately two garbage trucks of waste every day.

Many synthetic clothes, linens, and households textiles are made with petroleum-based products like plastic. When these are laundered in a washing machine, microscopic pieces fragment and break down before being flushed into waste water systems that ultimately enter rivers, waterways and world oceans. 
A research analysis suggests that an average of 114 milligrams of microfibers defined by a fine strand of synthetic fiber with a diameter fewer than ten micrometers is released for every two pounds of fabric washed during a standard cycle.
However, a research says that microfiber contamination could be cut by nearly 1/3rd if people choose to wash at cooler, faster cycles, an annual amount of over 4,000 tons.
Researchers were surprised not only by the sheer quantity of fibers coming from these domestic wash loads but also to see that the composition of microfibers coming out of the washing machine does not match the composition of clothing going into the machine, due to the way fabrics are constructed.
Newer clothes were shown to release more microfibers than older clothes, particularly during the first eight weeks. Additionally, fibers made from plant and animal fibers degraded more quickly than those from synthetic fabrics.
Finding an ultimate solution to the pollution of marine ecosystems by microfibers released during laundering will likely require significant interventions in both textiles manufacturing processes and washing machine appliance design. Also it needs time for researchers to find a concrete solution. For the time being below is my analysis on how to cut short the micro fiber plastics that are polluting the oceans-
  • Larger wash loads were shown to decrease the release of microfibers because of the ratio of water to the fabric. As such, people should fill and not overfill their washing machines to around three-quarters. A 30 percent reduction of microfiber release was observed when launderers used a 30-minute wash cycle at 86F compared to the standard 85-minute cycle with a water temperature at 104F

  • Washing machines need to be designed to reduce emissions of fibers to the environment. At the moment they are not doing this. Currently, studies are being made on whether fiber filters for washing machines are a feasible solution.
  • People at the time of purchasing their garments should keep in mind what is harmful for the environment and what isn’t. I know many people cannot afford to buy natural fibers as they are costlier when compared to artificial fibers like synthetic and others. But, at least people who can afford should know the side effects of synthetic fibers and start using the natural fibers. We do not have at least a thin idea of garments are creating such a huge environmental damage. There are still a lot more pollutants which a naked eye can’t catch.
  • Consumer choice can have a "significant impact" on decreasing pollution caused by microfibers when making informed decisions in how they do laundry and the products that they purchase. Though such choices will not eliminate the issue, they may achieve a meaningful short-term reduction in harmful environmental pollution.
  • Textile manufactures could also design fabrics that shed less, clothing companies could utilize them, and consumers could be more mindful.
  • Lastly, below are my two easy suggestions for the consumers- 
  • Buy clothes when necessary, 
  • Wash only when needed
Therefore it is the responsibility of each and every living being on the planet to make sure that some way or the other we contribute to the environmental safety.
Ignorantly we are polluting the oceans and in a bigger picture the entire MARINE LIFE. It’s high time we realize that, and stop polluting the oceans and the environment at large.
More to follow in the next article…
For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

Friday 12 June 2020

Why is Skill Development in India the need of the Hour?

India is one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age. India’s workforce is the second largest in the world after China’s. However, India’s formally skilled workforce is approximately 4.6% - which is dismally low compared to China (24%), U.S.A (52%), Germany(75%) Japan (80%) or South Korea (96%).To leverage our demographic dividend more substantially and meaningfully, the Government launched the Skill India campaign along with Make in India.

Below, we look at the need for Skill Development in India and what are the steps taken by current government to increase the skillsets of people.

Need for Skill Development

Livelihood opportunities are affected by supply and demand side issues. On the supply side, India is failing to create enough job opportunities and on the demand side, professionals entering the job market are lacking in skill sets. This is resulting in a scenario of rising unemployment rates along with low employability.

Youth Skilling: 

While keeping pace with employment generation is one issue, employability and productivity of those entering the labor market is another issue. As per the India Skills report 2015, only 37.22% of surveyed people were found employable - 34.26% among male and 37.88% among female. A survey showed that only 10.1% of the labor force had received vocational training, with only 25.6% among them receiving a formal vocational training. 

Demand for Skilled Workforce:

A report had projected Incremental Human Resource Requirement till 2022 at 201
million, making the total requirement of skilled work force by 2022 at 300 million. A major share of these jobs was to be added in the manufacturing sector, with the National Manufacturing Policy (2011)targeting 100million new jobs in manufacturing by 2022. The National Skill Development Policy (2009) had set a target of skilling 500 million people by

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship

A Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was created under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in July, 2014 and was subsequently upgraded to full-fledged ministry in November 2014.The role of the Ministry involves coordinating and evolving skill development frameworks, mapping of existing skills and certification, industry-institute linkages among others. 

Human Resource and Skill Requirement reports across 24 sectors were prepared which serve as a baseline for all skill development initiatives. 

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY): 

This is a flagship outcome-based skill training scheme aimed at benefiting 24 lakh youth. A monetary reward is provided to trainees on assessment and certification. The steering Committee for PMKVY is responsible for providing directions for implementation.

“Vocational Training” falls under the Concurrent list, which means State Governments have a key role and responsibility in realizing the objective of “Skill India”. The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship however, will have a crucial role in coordination between a range of stakeholders – including skill training providers, governments at all levels, and the end beneficiaries.


For a country like India to be an export hub, it should have skilled manpower in the first place. China became the export hub of the world as its government has designed policies from years to support its manpower in getting employment. 
With a mere 4.6% being skilled workforce in India, it is really an uphill task but not impossible to get more people into the skilled group. This lockdown has really helped us to know how much Indian states are dependent on migrant labor or work force (people from other states).
South Indian states are mostly dependent on the migrant labor. Most of the people have left to their home towns and now companies are feeling the pinch. Due to manpower shortage the companies are not operating to their full capacity.
Manufacturing sector is the worst affected out of all the sectors. Automobile, MSMEs, Power generation, Infrastructure companies are highly dependent on the skilled labor. It’s high time that states should at least now design a policy on their own to make their own people employable without depending on migrant workers.
It takes a lot of time to go to the percentage where Koreans are operating (96%- skilled work force) but with good policies coupled with determined implementation will make India an export hub of the globe.
The Make in India scheme was launched with huge expectations that India will be the export hub of the world, but due to weak basics like unskilled manpower, poor macroeconomic policies and many other things it is still in the initial stages.
This pause has made us rethink our economic strategies and I hope that more and more policies will be designed to make people employable by enhancing their skillsets. Once the ball gets rolling everything will fall in place and slowly India can become the export hub and in a way the manufacturing hub of the world

People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

Saturday 6 June 2020

This environmental day, the nature makes every human being realize that- We are her GUESTS and not her MASTERS

The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is, 'Time for Nature,' with a focus on its role in providing the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development.
As we all know without nature supporting us we will be extinct, therefore it is our responsibility to help nature be as it as and do not create any disturbance and damage to it.
According to Google nature can be defined as: the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
But the actual point is, are we actually taking care of our NATURE?
I want to discuss three circumstances linked to air, water and land and how we human beings are actually destroying the precious gift that the universe has given us.

There is a famous quote from Albert Einstein- “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would have only 4-years of life left”
Ever since I read this, I was really wondering whether it is really true. Here are some of my findings and understanding after I read about it-
Why are honey bees important:
Bees are our predominant pollinators. Globally there are more honey bees than other types of bee and other pollinating insects. Therefore it is the world’s most important pollinator of food crops. 
Pollinating a third of the food we eat and 80% of flowering plants. Pollination is crucial because many of our vegetables, fruits and the crops that feed us and our livestock rely on it to be fertilized. Therefore without it, we could go hungry. Bees pollinate 80% of flowering plants
But we don’t take care of BEES and they are becoming an endangered species though not extinct. The reason is-
Habitat loss
Another major reason for the bees’ extinction is their habitat loss. Humans have a major role in this cause. 
For example, humans’ need to expand their city or extend a community of houses. This could mean the cutting down of trees and trees are honeybee’s habitat. Humans build parking structures and shopping malls and this occupies space. What does this mean? This means that many trees will be cut down to allow space for the construction sites. Honeybees need large trees and with deforestation there are not many trees where bees can make their home.
I am not concluding that we shouldn’t build houses or malls or something else, but my point is we need to strike a balance between the nature and what we are doing. We can’t simply plan urbanization without taking into account such important things. We all know that bees’ contribute to 80% of pollination and still we don’t give a fuck! That is the biggest problem with us.

I’ve read an interesting story on wolves-
The effect is really unimaginable. A tale of a national park in the U.S, where there was a big crisis. We all know that wolves kill other animals but they indirectly give life to many other animals. In Yellowstone national park there was a lot of growth in the population of deer’s because there was no carnivore in that national park. 
These deer then eat away almost all of vegetation in the national park and after a research there was a decision made that wolfs will be introduced in the national park. Here are some of the mind blowing effects due to introduction of wolves
  • Apart from killing deer the wolves made deer change their psychology and they started to ignore going to place where they could be trapped easily. This led to grown in vegetation as there were no deer to graze that area

  • The area which deer left quickly became forest of aspen, willow and cottonwood. The increase in number of trees made birds to migrate to that region and soon the region was full of migratory birds
  • The number of beavers started to increase greatly because beavers used to eat trees and beavers like wolves are ecosystem engineers. They create niches for other species. For example: the dams they built in rivers provided habitat for ducks and muskrats and fish and other amphibians

  • The wolves killed coyotes and number of rabbit , mice began to increase which meant more hawks, more weasels , more foxes

  • Ravens and bald eagles came to eat the leftover of animals killed by wolves and bears also fed on the hunted animals by wolves and thus their numbers increased drastically. Bears also increased as they used to eat berries and the area was again full of forests

But this was just a beginning for a whole new course of world, the WOLVES changed the path OF RIVERS
  • Due to increase in forest land there was less soil erosion, more pools formed which was great for wildlife

  • The forest made the rivers not to change their pattern as they held soil firmly. This way rivers became more fixed in their courses

Therefore I understood that, If an animal is left on its own without interrupting its natural course of life, it would do wonders for the human life. As I always quote-
“Any species on this earth has a purpose to live and we should help that species to serve its purpose”

Human activity has negatively affected animal populations on land for tens of thousands of years, with numerous instances where not so sustainable hunting practices or deliberate, widespread acts of eradication have led to what is called as “defaunation”the human-caused global extinction of a species.
Many species have become “locally extinct” in particular ocean habitats, the Chinese river dolphin is now thought to be “functionally extinct” and many more are threatened, including species of sharks, rays, turtles and whales.
Separate analyses from various government authorities show that land and ocean temperatures globally are on the rise and will keep breaking records year after year. 
It is really turning out to be a disaster for the marine species as well. The human greed is so endless that we are eliminating anything and everything that is coming in our way. 
A quote which I very much like-
Air, Earth, Water and Sky are fine without HUMAN BEINGS,
Time and again nature proves that we are her GUESTS! But NOT her MASTERS!
The universe has given human beings leadership qualities to lead each and every species on the earth in a righteous way. But we do not do that. Human greed is the more dangerous thing than anything on this planet. We want-
  • Have more houses on land, space, water, under water etc.,
  • Eat and taste new species without limits
  • To create new technology thought it is endangering the environment
  • To build new cars, create more pollution, increase the temperatures and ruin the entire the planet
What we are not realizing is that, we are not making life sustainable for our future generations. I feel Covid-19 has done more good to the planet earth than bad. It has made every one of us think the actions we make. Why are so many disastrous occurring day after day in 2020.
It is time we realize the importance of nature and conserve it to the best of our knowledge and stop harming it left, right and center. It is time that we take the blame and learn from our past actions. 
We shouldn’t be the reason for species be it animals or plants to become extinct. Every life on this planet has a shelf life. If possible we should make them live for some more years but not hunt and kill them for our pleasures. 
All natural disasters are effects of the cause which is being caused by US. It is time that we realize that and act wisely. I want to conclude by saying that-
‘There is a reason for every species that is born. If we humans do not interfere in their natural course of action, we can build a beautiful place to live for the generations to come’
For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Every disaster comes with a bag full of opportunities, therefor it’s upon the individual to grab those opportunities with both the hands.

As the Unlock 1.0 is underway, more and more businesses are now being open to people. After close to 2 + months of lockdown, life is slowly getting back to normal. On the contrary the number of covid positive cases is increasing day by day and in the last 24 hours the number has touched to 9304.
This clearly states that the responsibility is on each and every citizen of our country to protect ourselves by following the minutest covid precautions which in turn helps other people as well.
Being an entrepreneur myself, I was a bit unclear on what will the way forward for me and for my fellow entrepreneurs. I had so many questions in my mind-
  • How will my employees react?
  • How will the customers react?
  • How will our suppliers and vendors react?
The receivables are held up, stocks are piling up and so many things are happening at a rather quick pace than usual.
Therefore I decided to first get my thoughts right, focus on what is right at the moment and get my priorities right. Here are some of the points which I thought are very much important for an entrepreneur to focus on-

  • Self-Motivation:
The person who is running the show should be clear on what he wants to do next. He simply can’t sit and worry about what has happened and keep worrying about the road ahead. As there is a saying, every disaster comes with a bag full of opportunities, therefor it’s upon the individual to grab those opportunities with both the hands.
An entrepreneur has a very strong mental strength and he should make use of that to get him out of the hole he is in. Covid has created a huge economic and health catastrophe like never before. But anything is smaller in front of the determination of an entrepreneur. I truly believe that entrepreneurs can bounce back but it takes huge amount of work and determination for that. 
Think as every day is a learning experience and work on new possibilities. This will surely boost your confidence and make you work in a newer way.

  • Customer Trust:
When compared with a normal food delivery company or an e-commerce company the logistics of a Laundry business is quite different. In this sector the delivery executive should visit the customer’s place twice for the same order. 
He has to visit the customer’s place for pickup, take the garments back to the processing center. The garments should again be delivered back to the customers place. Effectively for one single order the delivery executive should visit the customer’s place twice. 
In case the customer wants to rewash the clothes then again the logistics doubles.
Therefore it is the responsibility of the Laundry business to build trust in their customers. Delivery Executives should be wearing all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), use hand sanitizers, diligently follow social distancing at the time of pickup and delivery of the garments. 
Factory staff should also follow the necessary precautions while processing the garments. So, if the businesses show the customer that their backend processing is safe and secure then they will not hesitate to place the orders.
The processing of clothes will also change as there might be some 2-3 new additional new steps. This will definitely increase the price as the new steps like sanitization of clothes and others will come with a cost. Therefore an entrepreneur should be able to convey his customer, why the prices have be increased and how it benefits everyone involved.
Hence, the top most priority is building trust in the customer

  • Employees Trust:
Employees are like the back bone of any company. The priority of the employer is to educate the employees on how to keep themselves at bay from the Covid. Employer should design a set of rules and regulations in line with Covid precautions and make sure that his/her people will follow them diligently without any goofing up.
An ENTREPRENEUR is just like a FATHER who heads his family. A father should take proper care of his wife, children and safeguard them from all the negative circumstances. In a similar way an entrepreneurs should also take proper care of his employees, customers, suppliers, vendors and all the other stake holders and see to it that everyone is in good shape with all the decisions he makes.
The decisions he makes will instill confidence in all the stake holders and in turn brings trust in all of them.
  • Business:
As these are still the early days of unlocking the businesses, it takes time for everyone to get back on their feet. Entrepreneurs should have hope and keep looking for newer opportunities and possibilities on how to get their businesses up and running.
It is a bitter as well as a sweet experience. Some of us who can afford it are not really unhappy to be at home. But when we see what is happening around us with both businesses and the masses, it is certainly more bitter than sweet. 
Every day brings a new learning on how to cope with the challenges that are thrown at us, whether in terms of business, in terms of one’s own mental strength and also in medical terms.
If an entrepreneur diligently follows and invests his time and money in the first 3 points then there is no need for him to invest in marketing his product or service. Word of Mouth (WoM) will spread like wild fire and business will automatically increase and will surpass his expectations!
Therefore I would like to end by saying that-
‘Bacteria, Viruses, Disasters will come go or stay with us, but it is the trait of an entrepreneur to adapt to the situations and see light at the end of the tunnel’
For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.