Wednesday 17 June 2020

Washing processes of GARMENTS in washing machines at HOMES should be changed to eliminate tons of OCEAN POLLUTION

Nature is polluted in many ways which we do not even think off. The latest one which struck me was the following-

According to a research an estimated 14,000 tons of microfibers sloughed off of soiled laundry which is believed to be released into European oceans every year, further contributing to micro plastic pollution with a threat of becoming a "significant environmental issue." This is approximately two garbage trucks of waste every day.

Many synthetic clothes, linens, and households textiles are made with petroleum-based products like plastic. When these are laundered in a washing machine, microscopic pieces fragment and break down before being flushed into waste water systems that ultimately enter rivers, waterways and world oceans. 
A research analysis suggests that an average of 114 milligrams of microfibers defined by a fine strand of synthetic fiber with a diameter fewer than ten micrometers is released for every two pounds of fabric washed during a standard cycle.
However, a research says that microfiber contamination could be cut by nearly 1/3rd if people choose to wash at cooler, faster cycles, an annual amount of over 4,000 tons.
Researchers were surprised not only by the sheer quantity of fibers coming from these domestic wash loads but also to see that the composition of microfibers coming out of the washing machine does not match the composition of clothing going into the machine, due to the way fabrics are constructed.
Newer clothes were shown to release more microfibers than older clothes, particularly during the first eight weeks. Additionally, fibers made from plant and animal fibers degraded more quickly than those from synthetic fabrics.
Finding an ultimate solution to the pollution of marine ecosystems by microfibers released during laundering will likely require significant interventions in both textiles manufacturing processes and washing machine appliance design. Also it needs time for researchers to find a concrete solution. For the time being below is my analysis on how to cut short the micro fiber plastics that are polluting the oceans-
  • Larger wash loads were shown to decrease the release of microfibers because of the ratio of water to the fabric. As such, people should fill and not overfill their washing machines to around three-quarters. A 30 percent reduction of microfiber release was observed when launderers used a 30-minute wash cycle at 86F compared to the standard 85-minute cycle with a water temperature at 104F

  • Washing machines need to be designed to reduce emissions of fibers to the environment. At the moment they are not doing this. Currently, studies are being made on whether fiber filters for washing machines are a feasible solution.
  • People at the time of purchasing their garments should keep in mind what is harmful for the environment and what isn’t. I know many people cannot afford to buy natural fibers as they are costlier when compared to artificial fibers like synthetic and others. But, at least people who can afford should know the side effects of synthetic fibers and start using the natural fibers. We do not have at least a thin idea of garments are creating such a huge environmental damage. There are still a lot more pollutants which a naked eye can’t catch.
  • Consumer choice can have a "significant impact" on decreasing pollution caused by microfibers when making informed decisions in how they do laundry and the products that they purchase. Though such choices will not eliminate the issue, they may achieve a meaningful short-term reduction in harmful environmental pollution.
  • Textile manufactures could also design fabrics that shed less, clothing companies could utilize them, and consumers could be more mindful.
  • Lastly, below are my two easy suggestions for the consumers- 
  • Buy clothes when necessary, 
  • Wash only when needed
Therefore it is the responsibility of each and every living being on the planet to make sure that some way or the other we contribute to the environmental safety.
Ignorantly we are polluting the oceans and in a bigger picture the entire MARINE LIFE. It’s high time we realize that, and stop polluting the oceans and the environment at large.
More to follow in the next article…
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PK Enterprises.

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