Sunday 12 July 2020

Story behind our company's mascot. #LaundryMan

The story behind PKC s logo-

Apart from the logo I and Chaithanya always wanted to have a mascot for our company from the start and did a lot of background work for that. It nearly took 6 months to design the mascot and here goes the story behind the PKC Mascot.
From our graduation days, we had a thought that whenever we start our business, we should also have a mascot which is liked or recognized by everyone. We drew inspiration from the ‘Amul baby girl’ who appears in the newspapers every day with their take on current happenings across the globe. We wanted to design our mascot in such a way that people will remember our brand name not only through our services but also through the mascot as well.
I was very much interested in these types of aspects (logos, mascots and other related stuff) and also as both I and Chaithanya are Mechanical Engineers we wanted to represent the same in our mascot as well. By trade, I was a designer and I worked on software’s like Unigraphics and AutoCAD. I used to design parts of Automobiles, Boilers and many other things. Hence these designs always fascinated me.
Transformers is one such movie which very much fascinated me and led me to design our Mascot. I always wanted to create something of such type where it excites everyone by seeing it. After much thought process and research, one fine day I decided that our mascot will be- Washing Machine transforming to a Human Being
After deciding on how the mascot should be, the biggest task was- how the face should be? We wanted to get the face right and did a lot of work on it. I wanted my face to be inserted in the mascot, but that wasn’t an easy job at all. We inserted my face in all possible angles into the mascot and that was one hell of a job. We took a lot of time to design the face and at last after many iterations, my jaws were narrowed down, eyebrows were removed, mustache was removed, head went bald and boom, my face was inserted into the mascot.
This whole thing took almost 250-300 iterations and everything was done by hand. It took close to 4 months of time for the face to be finalized. The final body structure and the complete design took another 2 months of time.

Here is the video of how our Mascot turns into a Washing Machine

We also made our customers interactive through our comic series. We have released some comic series, which attracts kids to our mascot.
We named our mascot as the Laundry Man and released many goodies of it. Most of our customers, friends, family liked it and carry those goodies with them!
At the end we were happy that many of them liked our mascot and kids now associated themselves with the mascot in some or the other way!

For more information,
People can get in touch with me in LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram
PK Enterprises.

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