Monday 20 April 2020

Have you ever wondered how sitting postures are very important while WFH ?

The novel coronavirus lockdown has pushed the entire Indian professionals into working from home. Being new to this medium, you may not have proper work-desk arrangements set up at home. Working for long hours in working conditions at home over a long time can have an impact on your health. Poor posture while working on the laptop could cause disorders like pain in the neck, back, shoulders, and other issues. It’s important that you mind the posture while working at home.

  • Right Posture
– With right desk, chair, and accessories

The right posture keeps people healthy and gives them more energy to work. Try to get in your working habits from the office to avoid developing other issues like fatigue, headaches, backaches, neck pains, and MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). These conditions will not only affect productivity of employees but also their mental health. Let’s look at some points to remember while working in different ways.

Sitting on a chair and desk

  • It may be a good idea to invest in a chair and work desk that support different postures throughout the day. The chair that you invest in should have adjustable features like Seat heights, Armrest and Backrest adjustments to ensure maximum comfort. These will keep the back supported

  • If you are having a normal chair(plastic chair), make sure that the laptop. The laptop should be adjusted according to our eyesight so that people don’t land up in a head ache or stressing our eyes.

While standing & working
It’s also a good idea to stand and work to vary your work posture. You may use a big table as your standing workstation. The more regularly you change your posture, the
better you will feel.

While standing -
  • Place your laptop on a hard surface
  • Adjust the height of your laptop screen such that the screen top is at your eye level

While sitting on the sofa or bed
Of course, working on the bed, sofa or the bean bag can be quite attractive. While it’s okay to use these for a short period, remember not to forget the basics of good posture.
  • Place cushions behind your back to help you get right support
  • Place cardboard or a stand beneath the laptop to keep it steady
  • Adjust the height of the laptop to keep the screen parallel to your eye level

  • Use Laptop Safely

It is natural to pick a comfortable spot while working on the laptop at home. Given that you will end up working for long hours, maintaining the correct posture becomes crucial. It is recommended that you opt for a laptop stand and set up your system in a way that the screen is raised to the height of your eyebrows. You should also use a wireless mouse and a keyboard, if possible, to keep the screen at your arm’s length while typing.

  • Keep Moving
Working from home means there is a chance for you to become more sedentary. You no longer have to walk over to the conference room or take a causal break and walk around. While at home, ensure you take breaks to move around a bit. Try to walk around a bit while you are on the phone. Socialize a bit, as you would do if you were in office. Micro-breaks are great productivity boosters and also prevent you from staying seated all day.

These are all the must do things for a person working from home to keep themselves  productive in their working hours. It’s in the best interest of ourselves to keep ourselves active and make sure that we are in good health by the time the lockdown ends.

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PK Enterprises.

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