Monday 13 April 2020

If we already have a type of laundry machinery setup, can we get business from any very vertical?

This is the general misconception which many of the laundry companies have.
A straight and simple answer is NO 
The main reason why laundry companies are going into losses and shutting down very quickly is they don’t know whom to target and which type of machinery should be installed.
Therefore before starting any business a market survey for a period of 6-8 months is mandatory. The survey is important for the following reasons-
  • Target audience, 
  • Type of Vertical to enter,
  • Set of machinery to choose
  • The capacity of the machinery etc.,
Want to know more about the market research visit this link-
It is not just easy as everybody thinks. Start a laundry company, invest some 15-20 Lakhs to install machines and then afterwards if the business doesn’t flourish as planned then go into a different vertical with the same machinery (people cannot again revamp the whole setup). This is absolutely wrong.
The broad classification of verticals in a laundry industry are-
  • B2B
  • B2C

  • Hotels, Resorts
  • Hospitals, Wellness Centers
  • Spas, Saloons, Gyms
  • Co-living Spaces
  • Hostels, PGs
  • Residential Schools/Colleges
  • Buses, Trains, Airplanes 
  • Convention Centers, Function Halls etc.,

  • Laundromats
  • Live Studios
  • Pickup stores
  • Online free pickup and delivery etc.,
These are the various types of verticals in a laundry industry. The machinery should be installed taking into consideration the target audience and type of vertical one is entering into
For Example:
If 10 eggs are needed to bake one cake, and also the restaurant can bake only one cake. In this case if the restaurant takes an order for 10 cakes then he will not be able to supply the remaining 9 customers’ orders. 
On the same lines coming to the laundry industry, the owner of the company should know the capacity of his machinery, which type of vertical he is venturing into and what should he exactly expect from that vertical. After taking into consideration all these things he should start his business and shouldn’t jump the gun.
So according to machinery, capacity, target audience, market survey, place we should do business
If you choose your target audience as B2C segment and if somebody comes and gives you an order for spas, saloons, gyms and hotels then it doesn’t make any sense
Whenever you stick yourself to the target audience then only there is scope of generating more profits. You will have that much time of thinking about that particular vertical and doing something new to increase revenues
For a businessman along with his work he should make enough time so that he can invest that time into his next developmental works. This will definitely lead him into the next stage in the growth trajectory.

If a person wants to start another vertical he should have another set of team, machinery setup, target audience, market survey. If the company can manage the new vertical in the same setup then it is the ideal situation. 
Otherwise a new vertical definitely needs a new setup for everything.
Therefore my advice is, if a company chooses a particular vertical it should stick to it. It is not easy to alter between verticals. If anybody wants to flourish in this business, it is mandatory to stick to the basics, have patience, give customer the good experience then success follows.

You can connect with me on LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram.


PK Enterprises.

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