Saturday 18 April 2020

There are so many chemical distributors in the market. Which one is best suitable for a laundry company?

  • There are so many players in the market for laundry chemical distribution. Each one of them has their own significance. We cannot devalue one and over value another company.

There are chemicals ranging from Rs.5 per liter to Rs.5000 per liter and the price range keeps on increasing. 
Usually the price depends on a number of factors. Ranging from brand to quality to service to availability of stocks to market conditions, the prices keep varying.
Above all these parameters the quality of chemicals can be best extracted when the service providers use water of appropriate ppm.
  • The PPM/Hardness/pH value of the water shouldn’t be more or less but it should be appropriate
  • As water plays a very prominent role in the washing of clothes it should be maintained very properly
  • There are six ways to know if the water in your laundry is ‘good’ water. What needs to be considered are – water clarity, water hardness, total dissolved solids, Iron, pH and Bicarbonates
  • Therefore water should be given major priority and it is the back bone for the laundry industry
  • Good quality of water will enhance the chemicals and the output quality will also be good

Check this link for more details:
In India, every state has some 2-3 big chemical distributors.
The chemicals should be used depending on the type of vertical the laundry service provider is venturing into.
  • B2C i.e., retail laundry. The chemicals used will be different, 
  • B2B i.e., institutional laundry. The chemicals used will be different. In this vertical there are again many different type of sectors. Hotels, SPAs, Saloons, Resorts, Hospitals, Educational Institutions etc., for each type of sector the brand of chemicals usage will be different
Therefore my advice for any Laundry and Dry-Cleaning(LDC) service provider is that know the below following parameters and choose the chemical distributor according to your requirement-
  • Target Audience
  • Type of Vertical
  • Brand
  • Price
  • Customer Service
*LDC- Laundry and Dry-Cleaning
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PK Enterprises.

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