Saturday 24 April 2021

Honest Customer Confession : April- 2021

 Thursday: After I got a call from the customer, I immediately informed my operations team to look into the issue. Our team has checked all the deliveries on that day, in house orders, garments in processing, CC Cam footages, Log books, our Internal systems, etc.,  but we couldn’t find the shirt which he was asking for. Our team was sure that the order comprised of 1 RED, 1 BLUE and 7 WHITE Shirts.

Friday: Our team has informed the same to the customer but this time he was even more harsher. He told us that, if his shirt was not returned in 2 days’ time he would register a complaint in the consumer court! 

Saturday: He called around 9 in the morning and informed me that the BLUE shirt was his!. He got to know this when his wife told him that she has given PKC 1 RED, 1 BLUE and 7 WHITE shirts for dry-cleaning. He apologized for what he has put us through.

For every complex PROBLEM, there's a solution that is SIMPLE!

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