Saturday 17 April 2021

PKC Realtors - Customer Feedback

 After starting PKC Realtors, in August2020 we got a call from a person named Karthik. He was planning to construct his house in the next couple of months and by chance got in touch with us by seeing our website. The project is in the EAST side of HYDERABAD.

During the call we understood that he is a friend of one of our founders which was totally unexpected.

In the first meeting when we met him as a real-estate consultant he was happy with our suggestions on how to proceed further. After couple of meetings, he asked us whether we could take up his project? Then after discussing with our team we told him that we will take up this project.

At the start he seemed to be really apprehensive whether we could complete the project ontime and within the budget. During the meetings we understood that the building permissions are still pending and we need to do everything from scratch.

As a REALTOR we assured him that we will get him the required building permissions, a finest team of architects, builders, structural engineers, interior designers and whoever it takes to complete the house.

From building permissions to construction from scratch to end we completed the house in 3-4 months of time.

If somebody thinks this is an exaggeration, here is the testimonial from Karthik M.N.S who is a digital marketing lead at Google, Hyderabad.

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