Friday 30 April 2021

The FIRST STAGE is the preparation of site- GRADING of a SITE!

 In continuation with the earlier article on ‘the various stages in construction of a house’, the FIRST STAGE is the preparation of site i.e., GRADING of a SITE!

The single most important rule in construction is something very basic “Buildings must never fall down.”

Grading and Surveying a site is essential in understanding the basics of a site. If you are unable to know what the ground has in store then how can you place your building? 

Why grading in construction of a house is necessary? 

Laying the foundation of any building is vital for it to be built. In this article we will be discussing why grading is absolutely necessary in construction of a house.

As natural calamities like floods have risen more than 50% worldwide in the last decade or so, it is very important to know the importance of grading in construction.

What Is Grading?

Site grading is an engineering term for the leveling or shaping of land to suit the specifications of a construction project. A land's "grade" is its slope. So grading is a literal term describing the way we adjust the slope of land when we build on it.

Grading takes place early on in the construction process, among other preparation work on the site, to provide a stable foundation to build on. There are a wide range of factors to consider while grading for construction. Soil composition alone raises considerations such as soil density and water retention

Why is Grading Important?

Grading is about more than just leveling of the land. It is very much vital to the quality and longevity of the house. Here are some of the points why grading work is vital for building a house.

  • A Strong Foundation:

Grading provides a strong foundation for a house, limiting the number of structural issues that could occur down the line. Effective grading reduces the risk of erosion and damage to foundations over a long time period.

  • Proper Drainage:

Water logging — is exactly what we don't want in our house. Despite our modern technology, rainfall and flooding can still wreak havoc if not planned for.

Quality drainage relies as much on land grading as it does on drainage systems like pipes. By grading the land properly, water will be flowing downhill, keeping buildings high and dry.

  • Fighting Subsidence:

Quality construction is about planning for the long term. Subsidence is one of the most common long-term problems that can hit our house. Homes built on soft soils or clay can sink into the ground, resulting in subsidence. But homes don't often sink evenly and hence parts of the structure become warped and begin to crack.

Grading is the process which helps to tackle subsidence. It also helps in creating a stable base for the home.

Therefore GRADING is very important and the first stage in construction of a house! In the next article we will be discussing about the structural components, foundations and slabs stage in construction a house.

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PKC Realtors.

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